
Corona’s story … a tragedy caused by recklessness

Aziza Mukhaini

The clock points to ten in the evening, and once “S” finishes his job, he rushes to his usual café, and there begins the flow of friends to the cafe after the greeting, and they all join a round table in playing cards for hours, and “S” and his friends prefer spending their free time playing cards on Any other project.

Playing cards has become an agreed way to pass the time, and no one of the eight G8 members has apologized for going out to play, and they quickly get along with each other by playing, laughing and eating while meeting them, until they turn off their cell phones or set them to silent mode so that no one disturbs their integration in Play weather.

Hence the story of the young “S” who works in a fast food restaurant started.

Without knowing that he had infected the Corona virus and invaded his skinny body, he felt mild symptoms of fever with dry throat, but he did not care about this symptom, and after his relatives insisted that the examination swab of the Corona virus should be taken, he went – hesitant and lazy – to the health center and internal certainty that he was not ill.

The surprise is that “S” is indeed infected with the virus and this epidemic has managed him and his lungs, and in spite of this, he did not pay attention to the infection, and he returned to his work, worried and burdened with thinking, how would he tell his family about his infection or one of his colleagues or even his friends with whom he shares playing cards? How can he adhere to the home stone as the doctor told him that it is necessary to adhere to so that the virus cannot spread to a larger spot?

With this concern, S. decided to return to his home and practice his life as usual, as if nothing had happened, and there is no need to inform anyone of his injury.

He returned to his work and interacted with his colleagues and clients, as he prepared to meet his friends at exactly ten o’clock in the evening, and to gather in the usual cafe to spend fun time playing cards.

“S” did not bear the slogan of staying at home or committing to wearing the “muzzle” that protects and protects others, or even isolating himself in a room away from his family. He struck with all this wall display, and simply could not bear the idea of ​​restraint, not leaving the house and recovering from Treachery of the virus.

He met his mother and father, hugged all friends playing cards, and after long hours wasting laughter and giggling, the game ended with a tragedy caused by “S.”

Because of this reckless disregard for this disease, the hidden virus invaded his mother, father and all friends of the card game.

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